Thursday, October 11, 2012

Introduction to 600 Seconds

About 2am last night God laid this idea on my heart. It was clear. Either I could get up and put the thoughts He was giving me on paper, or I could simply not sleep. My choice.

We are going to all come together and pray for our country.

I love America and I believe God is "this close" to taking His hand completely off our nation. There is no doubt He's only got a few fingers touching us now, but there's also no doubt He has blessed us beyond words to this point.

America has been and can still be great, but believers must now stand up and act. In prayer. Let me say it again. America can still be great, but we must pray and we must pray fervently.

On November 5th at 9pm CST, the night before the Presidential election, God is calling me to host a LIVE, ONLINE prayer rally with anyone and everyone that is willing to give our beloved country just 600 seconds of their evening. That's 10 minutes. You don't have to anywhere and the kids should be in bed by then. Turn of the TV, shut down the phones and give your future and your kid's future just a few minutes.

Together, in one voice, at the same time, we will lift our eyes to God and ask Him to forgive us and restore us.

We will pray over 7 simple topics and I will lead us in the process. We will pray over our children, pray for our enemies (those that hate us as Christians and those that hate America), pray for Israel, pray for the sanctity of life, pray for our service men and women, pray for the election and pray for an awakening among believers.

I am just a self-employed father-of-three, married to an amazing women who has two dogs and loves my God and my country. I have no idea how many will join us that night and this isn't about me so it doesn't matter. As long as one more than me is online God is listening.

Help me. Please. Your friends need you. Your kids need you. Your neighbors need you.

God is waiting to see what we do.

Facebook page:
Youtube video coming soon.